"Why the heck should I book an instructor? I can ride a bike since I am 5!"
Eric (et peut-être même vous face à votre écran ?)
It is true, 94% of French people can ride a bike. But going to the local bakery on a bike, and going fown a slippery mountain trail on a mountain bike isn’t quite the same thing. You can rent an Electric Mountain Bike on your own and do real good. However, there are many advantages in riding with a guide/instructor. Here are 7 great reasons to ride with a qualified Mountain Bike Instructor.

On the practical side
1 – Fast learning
You will take confidence more quickly on your bike if you are accompanied, because you will be given the tips and explanations in real time, not all at once before you go. You will be able to apply the instructor tips at the right time, and therefor improve quicker, but also avoid falling. Before crossing a more difficult spot, a simple technical info, given at the right time, will help you feel confident. By indicating the right move to do and the right speed to have, you will pass through the difficulty with no pain.
2 – A trail tested and approved by our instructor
Your security is our priority. Our instructor won’t take you on foreign soil, by just following a map or a “supposed to be” track. He chose an itinerary adapted to your level (with chicken loops just in case) and he will adjust the route to what he feels and observes of your level of practice. This way, the route is interesting for you, pleasant and with a certyain evolution to improve your riding.
3 – Occupational bias
Instructors like to give tailor advice. They just struggle in not giving you tips when they see you could take more pleasure on your bike. They have an eye on you! Because your improvement and your confidence are so satisfying, whether for you and for him/her.
4 – No mechanic disaster to ruin your day
Even if our e-bikes are well checked and maintained after each use, a mechanical problem might always occur, like a flat tire for example. If it happens, an instructor will deal with it quickly and with no stress. You can just relax and enjoy the view while your instructor get his/her hands dirty. And off you go, back on your saddle in a winck of an eye
5 – Get upgraded service
The price difference between rental and guided tours is small. More over, when booking a Guided Tour, the rental of the protection pack (knee and elbow pads) is included, whereas when renting on your own there is a 6€ supplement. Depending on the tours, adding an instructor is only 20% more expensive. (For example with the Myrt’e-Bike Family Gourmet tour.) So why hesitate?
Heart knows why
6 – An “Audio-Guide” in “flesh and blood”
An instructor is a local guide willing to share his/her passion of the natural land he/she takes you in. He/she loves his region and knows how to enjoy every flavour of it. No doubt your instructor will share his good plans and address book with you. Good reblochon cheese, local blueberry pie or even the best potatoes fried “beignets” of teh region, you can trust your instructor on that side!
An instructor is also a great animal spotter. If you fancy seeing some marmottes or ibex during your tour, he/she will activated his bionic eye to unearthe one for you.
7 – The peace of households
You thought you could turn yourself into a guide for the expedition of your group? Uhuh, bad idea… advice are always better accepted when given by a professional and a stranger to the family.. Let the instructor be the “pro” or “mister knows-it-all” so you can keep your family role clean and go back to a quiet home.
Here you go, what did you think of our 7 reasons to go on a bike tour accompanied by an instructor?
Do you share our point of view?
Have a look at our favorite mountain escaped on Electric Mountain Bikes.